Welcome to The Ten Club.

A collaboration between

The mission of The Ten Club is quite simple.

We’re looking to Find, Fund and Support 10 incredible future founders to launch and run their own highly successful marketing agencies.

Is this you?

You always wanted to scratch the itch of entrepreneurship and have the beginnings of a brilliant idea in a marketing specialism that you are super passionate about.

You’re relentlessly ambitious, personable and are known to get stuff done. Accurately and quickly.

Here’s what we can do.


Help you develop the business idea into a winning proposition.


Invest funds to allow it to launch and scale quickly.


Provide hands on (friendly!) support in an operational and advisory capacity.


Immerse you in the collaborative BLUE14 founders community with inspiring peers, the coolest events and awesome co-working spaces.

Ready for The Ten Club?

For those that qualify and are ready to step up to the very top of their game, it’s going to be quite a ride!

Spaces are limited to 10 founders in the first phase of The Ten Club.

To be in the reckoning, send a compelling paragraph to us in the form so we can set up a chat.

We accept brave and brilliant applications from everyone. We don’t care where you came from. We do care where you’re going.